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New Zealand Financial Benchmark Facility (NZFBF) was established in 2021, and is a subsidiary of the New Zealand Financial Markets Association (NZFMA). NZFBF acts as the Benchmark Administrator for New Zealand’s Interest Rates Benchmarks. NZFBF is responsible for the daily calculation and publication of New Zealand’s Interest Rate benchmarks (BKBM, OCR Compound Index and Closing rates). They also review Benchmark methodology and monitor benchmark developments in other jurisdictions

An information-rich website was required to provide access to documentation relating to Governance, Operating Rules, Guidelines and Principles, as well as any NZFBF announcements made concerning the benchmarks, via market notice. NZFBF wanted a hands-on website that they could update and manage in-house.

Our Solution: The website was built on Expert’s MoST platform, with NZFBF staff being very much involved with its creation from the start. Once the basic template was built, competent staff at NZFBF took over and loaded most of the content.

Expert’s Added Value:  After an initial meeting with NZFBF, Expert quickly created the website to meet this client’s very tight time-frame. As Expert was already very familiar with the main organisation (NZFMA), communication was a breeze for all parties.

Talk to us.

Let's start a conversation about your web presence today
Phone: +64 4 384 9833 | Email: us@expert.services
Address: 19 Tennyson Street, Te Aro, Wellington 6011, New Zealand
Postal address: PO Box 6474, Wellington 6141, New Zealand

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